Everything you need to get new clients

(Not just leads)

Business growth, client management, accounting, invoicing & much more from a single dashboard

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Vendors In our base
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This is exactly for you if you’re a

Briefly has everything covered.

Get new clients

2M+ established companies in Asia, many of them are looking for your expertise

100% clarity on scope

Get every tiny detail about the client, without spending a single minute over call

Perfect Matchmaking

Clients whose requirements and working style align quite perfectly with yours

Manage client activities

Going 1 step further than getting you clients, we help you manage the daily, weekly, monthly tasks

Progress Tracker

Don’t get on multiple calls, one click will provide clients with real time updates

Invoice Automation

We all know this can get tedious. 3 clicks on the dashboard, will ensure your payment(s)

Data Insurance

Your effort will always be acknowledged. Get insured upto INR 10 Lakhs for your work

Seamless Interaction

Text, call, video chat, share files etc with your clients. One feature for all engagements

Lead to Client

Say bye to “maybe” leads. Say helloooo to “let's get started” clients

How to get a
new client

Introduction Call
Enquiry call by the client (more time consuming if vendor cold calls)
Briefing Call
1st briefing call between the parties, preliminary exchange of requirements
Follow-up Clarity Call
Clarifying all the requirements & suggesting a few changes
Pitch Process
1-3 Weeks for agencies, 3-5 days for freelancers
Pitch Submission
1-2 Hrs on the pitch day, taking the client through your strategy & approach
Feedback Call
Client has feedback (rightfully), which they share (may even expect a revision)
Scope of Work
You share a scope of work basis the pitch deck elements
Revised Scope of Work
Client haggles on increasing the scope of work (this is inevitable)
Budget Negotiation
You justify the budget for the scope (This may take up a day or 2)
Timeline Locking
Deadline dates are discussed 
(timeline extension is often required)
Invoice Sharing
Optional step, for an
advance payment
Lead becomes a client
Day 1 of execution :)
P.S - This is an ideal situation. Often times some clients simply vanish after taking your pitch & scope
Review Scope
Detailed scope of work, which gives you 99.9% transparency of the requirements
Accept / Reject
After evaluating the scope, it’s your decision to work with the client
Lead becomes Client
Client confirms on Briefly, you get onboarded as a service partner
Briefly is taking care of all the major heavy lifting for you, before bringing you a potential client
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Say goodbye to spending days & weeks on leads who don’t convert into clients. Designed to save your effort and
get you paid without chasing leads
Say goodbye to spending days & weeks on leads who don’t convert into clients. Designed to save your effort and get you paid without chasing leads.

We understand your struggles

(Even after onboarding a client)

Unfortunately, long hours, busy weekends, and excessive effort are the norms in the marketing service sector. When a customer grills us or makes us work late, it's not necessarily their intention. The "Scope of work" is to blame for its ambiguity. The foundation of each client-vendor relationship is a comprehensive delivery contract. Often times, we neglect to thoroughly explain the scope, since we are in a hurry to add a new brand to our portfolio. Eventually it has has a negative impact on the servicing crew and the overall relationship with the client


Briefly carves out a beautifully articulated scope of work, mentioning every little detail about the client, leaving no room of error

Briefly knows exactly what you need

Accurate client requirements i.e. Scope of work

Know the client  so well, they feel you’re a part of their team (without even getting on a call with them)

Expert financial consultancy for the scope i.e. Budget

Get paid for what you rightfully deserve, without spending a minute negotiating

Turn-around time to execute the scope i.e. Timeline

A pre-decided comfortable time-slot for scope delivery. No need to buy  time at the last minute

Professional Diversity Offerings

Anyone who offers technical/non-technical skills for brand building services need to have a Briefly profile for an exponential business growth

All this is just the tip of the iceberg

You will never need another platform to execute business development, client management, accounting,
invoicing & many more functions

With an arsenal of tools, Briefly will automate all your tedious operations
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Are you an agency, studio, freelancer or service provider of any kind?

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